car maintenance tips

Symptoms of a Bad Wheel Bearing

Symptoms of a Bad Wheel Bearing

You probably already know that cars need strong wheels to work correctly and safely. But did you know that wheels are not just simple parts? They are pretty complex, comprising many pieces that must work together. A critical part of a wheel is called the wheel bearing. They are essential

Shambhavi Singh
The Ultimate Guide To Enjoy Free Parking in Dubai

The Ultimate Guide To Enjoy Free Parking in Dubai

Dubai's state-of-the-art infrastructure and modern technology are pivotal for its growth, especially for its residents and tourists. Certain areas have designated free parking zones to maintain order and convenience throughout the city, contributing to the efficiency of Dubai's transportation system. Due to rapid urbanisation and vehicle usage among the citizens,

Shambhavi Singh
budget cars
Top 10 Reasons Your Car is Vibrating on the Road

Top 10 Reasons Your Car is Vibrating on the Road

Owning a car comes with its fair share of challenges, and one problem that frequently plagues drivers is car shivering. The annoyance sneaks up on you, gradually becoming more bothersome over time. But fear not because understanding the meaning behind your vibrating car can lead to practical solutions. So let's

Shambhavi Singh
10 Kinds Of Car Lights and Their Purposes

10 Kinds Of Car Lights and Their Purposes

Several types of headlights or lights are available in the UAE market today, each with its unique purpose and style. Drivers can customarily pick the car lights that suit their style of vehicle. We can set the headlight to different modes, use indicators to change direction, or turn on tail

Jitendra Bothra


Owning a used car in the UAE means staying on top of your car servicing and maintenance requirements. While regular checkups help you catch surface-level problems, preventative car maintenance allows you to identify and fix significant issues before they become more significant. One way to learn more about your car

Shambhavi Singh
Car Buying Tips