New Traffic Rules and Fines in India
New Traffic Rules and Fines in India

Traffic Challan - List of Traffic Violation & Fines in India 2024

28 Jun 2024
10 Mins Read
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Love getting behind the wheels of your car? Buckle up, and make your drive safer! Besides the usual traffic rules in India, there are several new rules and traffic fines that have been rolled out to ensure that people taking the streets are safe and the traffic seamlessly managed.

These rules are designed to instil a sense of discipline and keep the roads secure for pedestrians and motorists alike. So, if you’re ready to hit the road, let’s take a good look at the traffic rules that are a must for you to follow. Read on!

List of Traffic Violation & Fines in India 2024

We’ve compiled a list of all existing traffic offences and penalties in India. Here’s what you need to know:

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General Offences

Traffic rules violatedFine amount
Drunk driving or driving under influence of intoxicated items₹10,000 and/or 6 months in prison, ₹15,000 and/or 2 years in prison in case of repetition of violation
Overloading pillion riders₹2,000 plus disqualification of licence and/or community service for three months
Over speeding₹1,000 for LMV, ₹2,000 for MMV
Dangerous drivingFirst Offence: ₹1,000 to ₹5,000, licence seizure, and/or 6 months to 1 year in prison Second Offence: ₹10,000, licence seizure, and up to 2 yeaRs in prison 
Driving without licence₹5,000
Driving without insurance₹2,000 and/or 3 months in prison, community service, ₹4,000 in case of repetition of violation
Signal jumping₹1,000 to ₹5,000, licence seizure, and/or 6 months to 1 year in prison
Riding without helmet₹1,000 plus licence scrapping for three months
Riding without permitUp to ₹10,000 and/or up to 6 months imprisonment
Juvenile driving₹25,000 with three years of imprisonment, cancellation of registration of vehicle for 1 year, and ineligibility to avail a driving licence until 25 years of age

Read More- Traffic Signal Rules in India – Traffic Light Rules

Offences Related to Documents

Offence Penalty
Driving without carrying a valid driving licence₹5,000
Unauthorised driving of a vehicle without carrying a valid driving licence₹5,000
General OffenseFirst Time: ₹500 Second Time: ₹1,500
Not carrying the required documents as specified in Motor Vehicle Act while driving₹500
Driving without a valid auto insurance.₹2,000 and/or 3 months in prison, community service, ₹4,000 in case of repetition of violation
Driving without a valid permit₹10,000* and/or up to 6 months of prison and community service
Travelling without ticket₹500
Driving after being disqualified₹10,000
Power of Officers towards impounding documentsSuspension of driving licence under Section 183, 184, 185, 189, 190, 194C, 194D, and 194E*
Violating licensing conditions (Aggregators)₹25,000 to ₹1 lakh
Driving without Valid Vehicle Fitness Certificate.Up to ₹5,000 and no less than ₹2,000

Read More - Form of Application for New Licence to Drive a Motor Vehicle

Offences Related to Driving

Violation of rules of road regulation₹500*
Offences made by juveniles (aged below 18 years)₹25,000 with three years of imprisonment, cancellation of registration of vehicle for 1 year, and ineligibility to avail a driving licence until 25 years of age
Not obeying the orders of the authorities₹2,000
Over speeding of vehicle₹1,000 for Light Motor Vehicles (LMVs); ₹2,000 for Medium Passenger Vehicles (MPVs) 
Oversize vehicles₹5,000
Letting an unlicensed individual to drive₹1,000
Driving two wheelers without wearing a helmet₹1,000 and disqualification of driving licence for 3 months
Driving without fastening the seat belts₹1,000
Rough/ Reckless/ Negligent Driving₹1,000
Dangerous driving₹5,000
Racing or speeding on public roads₹5,000
Not making way for emergency vehicles₹10,000
Not driving in the proper lane.Court Challan
Driving in the centre and not keeping to the left side of the road.₹100
Driving against One Way.₹100
Reversing without due caution and care.₹100
Taking the "U" turn during forbidden hours₹100
Not taking adequate care while taking a "Turn".₹100
Failing to slow down at intersection/ junction.₹100
Not carrying on the left of the traffic island.₹100
Carrying people on Footboard.₹100
Carrying people to the point that it causes inconvenience (be it for rear-view visibility or gear shifting) to the driver.₹100
Tripling on bikes/ two wheelers₹100
Driving on a Footpath.₹100
Stopping pedestrians from crossing or crossing a Stop Line (Zebra Cross).₹100

Read More - Red Light Jump Challan

Offences Related to Road Marking

Violating the Yellow Line.₹100
Violating the Stop Line.₹100
Violating the Mandatory Signs.₹100
Use of Offensive Number Plates for vehicles used in driving.₹100
Displaying 'Applied For'.₹ 4,500

Read More - Challan for Driving Without Helmet in India

Offences Related to Vehicle Lights

high beam light

Improper use of headlights and/ or taillight for your vehicle used in driving.₹100
Using a High Beam when it is not needed.₹100

Offences Related to Horn

excess horn usage

Driving without a Horn.₹100
Improper usage of horn when you drive.₹100

Read More - Road Safety Rules in India – Road Safety Tips

Offences Related to Traffic Police

Disobeying a Traffic Police Officer in uniform.₹100
Driving against Police Signal.₹100
Not complying with the manual Traffic Signal.₹100

Offences Related to Traffic Signal

Jumping red light

Not complying with the Traffic signal / Sign Board.₹100
Failing to give the appropriate Signal.₹100
Signal Jumping.₹100

Offences Related to Speed & Overtaking

Exceeding speed limit

Driving above the permitted Speed Limits by the Traffic Police.Up to ₹1,000
Abetment for Going over the Speed Limit.₹300
Overtaking hazardously.₹100
Failing to deliberate ways to sanction Overtaking.₹100
Overtaking from the Wrong Side.₹100

Other Offences Related to Driving

Avoid Distractions.jpg

Purposely disobeying Lawful Directions.₹500
Driving under influence of Alcohol and/ or Drugs.₹10,000
Using a Mobile Phone while Driving.Up to ₹1,000
Leaving a vehicle in an untenanted engine.₹100
Leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position.₹100
In case of an accident involving a minor.₹1,000
Playing music while Driving.₹100
Driving without a fixed Silencer.₹100
Driving when emotionally, mentally and/ or physically unfit.Court Challan

Offences Related to Towing of Automobiles

Car, Jeep, Cab, Auto Rickshaw.₹200
Truck, Tanker, Trailer.₹600

Offences Related to Pollution

Smoking in Public Transport is strictly prohibited.₹100
Pollution Not Under Control.₹100
Using multi-toned and/ or shrill horns.₹500
Blowing Pressure Horn.₹100
Silencer and/ or muffler making a huge noise.₹500
Smoky Exhaust (against specifications).₹500
Use of horn in the Silence Zone.₹100

Offences Related to Motor Vehicles:

Using the vehicle in hazardous conditions.Court Challan
When a motor vehicle is out of state for more than 12 months.₹100
Particulars to be printed on transport vehicles.₹100
Without Wiper₹100
Without Side Mirror.₹100
Tyres with some kind of defection.₹100
No indication board on the left hand drive vehicle.₹100
Selling motor vehicle/ modifying motor vehicle in contravention of Act.₹300
Vehicles that are fitted with tint/ dark glasses or sun films.₹100
Driving without a proper or valid number plate or illuminating the number plate at the back.₹100
Not displaying a public carrier board.₹100
Use of private automobiles for business purposes.Up to ₹5,000 but no less than ₹2,000
Any kind of misbehaviour with commuters, not wearing the uniform or not showing the badge.₹100
Loading the goods vehicle with more than the permitted weight.₹2,000 plus ₹1000 for every other ton.
Transporting goods in a treacherous or hazardous way.Imprisonment and/ or penalty of ₹3,000.
Breach of permit terms and conditions.Imprisonment and/ or penalty of up to ₹5,000, not less than ₹2,000
Usage of coloured/ Tinted light on the vehicle₹100

Offences Related to Commercial Vehicles:

Working in 'NO ENTRY' TimeUp to ₹2,000
Violating the timetableCourt Challan
High and Long / Load in Vehicles₹100
Carrying animals in goods vehicles in contravention of rules.₹100
Transporting people hazardously or carrying people in goods carrier vehicles.₹100
Perilous projection of goods.₹100
Carrying goods is unsafe.₹100
Carrying possessions more than 11 feet high.₹100
Going over the limit of weight and limitation on Use.Court Challan
Driver refused to weigh his vehicle.Court Challan
Loading on the Tail Board.₹100
Misconduct by Taxi or TSR Driver.₹100
Over Charging by Taxi or TSR Driver.₹100
Charging without having a Metre.₹100
Refusal by Taxi or TSR Driver.₹100
Driving without a Khaki Uniform.₹100
Driver without wearing a Badge.₹100
Conductor without the specified Uniform.₹100
Conductor without Badge.₹100
Stopping without a Bus stop.Court Challan
Power to detain Vehicles driven in infringement of section 3.4,39 or 66(1) MV Act.Court Challan

Offences Related to Parking:

Parking in the same direction of the flow of traffic.₹100
Parking away from the walkway towards the road.₹100
Parking against flow of traffic.₹100
Parking causes Obstruction to other vehicles and people.₹100
Parking on any Taxi Stand.₹100
Parking in not any specific way.₹100
Parking at any Corner/ Edge.₹100
Parking within 15 metres on either side of a Bus Stop, causing inconvenience to those waiting for bus as well as bus drive₹₹100
Parking on a Bridge.₹100
Parking at any Traffic Island.₹100
Parking in 'No Parking' Zone.₹100
Parking on any Pedestrian Crossing.₹100
Parking the vehicle on Walkways.₹100
Parking in front of any gate.₹100
Any kind of obstruction caused due to the way you have parked your vehicle.₹100

Offences committed by the authorities

Offences by any law enforcement officialTwo times of the penalty which is relevant to the respective section

Tips to Avoid Traffic Violations and Fines: For Car Owners & Drivers

Here are some pointers to help you avoid traffic violations and fines as a car owner and driver:

  1. Know the Updated Traffic Rules: Stay informed about the latest traffic rules, regulations, and fines implemented by the authorities.  
  2. Adhere to Speed Limits: Always observe and obey the speed limits, especially in residential areas, school zones, and construction zones.
  3. Use Seatbelts and Child Restraints: Make sure everyone in the vehicle wears their seatbelts, and if you have children on board, use appropriate child safety seats according to their age and size.
  4. Avoid Distractions: Distracted driving is dangerous and against the law in many places. Keep your focus on the road, and avoid using your phone or engaging in other activities that divert your attention.
  5. Respect Traffic Signals: Stop at red lights, yield at yield signs, and obey stop signs. Don't run red lights even if the road seems clear.
  6. Maintain Lane Discipline: Stick to your lane and avoid frequent lane changes. Signal your intention clearly if you need to switch lanes.
  7. Use Mirrors and Signals: Always use your rear-view and side mirrors to be aware of your surroundings. Signal your turns and lane changes to inform other drivers.
  8. Keep Distance: Maintain a safe following distance from the vehicle in front of you. This distance gives you ample time to react to sudden stops.
  9. Avoid Drunk Driving: Never drink and drive.  
  10. Regular Vehicle Maintenance: Ensure your car undergoes regular maintenance checks.  
  11. Respect Pedestrians: Always allow pedestrians to cross safely at crosswalks and intersections.  

Tips to Avoid Traffic Violations and Fines: For Two-Wheeler Owners & Riders

Here are some pointers to help you avoid traffic violations and fines as a two-wheeler owner:

  1. Wear a Helmet: Always wear a helmet and if possible, other appropriate safety gear, such as gloves, jackets, and boots.  
  2. Observe Speed Limits: Follow the prescribed speed limits and adjust your speed according to road conditions.  
  3. Stay in Designated Lanes: Stick to your designated lane and avoid weaving through traffic or riding on sidewalks. 
  4. Use Indicators and Hand Signals: Signal your movements using indicators and hand signals to communicate with other drivers.  
  5. Avoid Using Mobile Phones: Keep your focus on the road and refrain from using your phone.
  6. Follow Traffic Signals and Signs: Obey traffic signals, stop signs, and other road signs.  
  7. Beware of Pedestrians: Be mindful of pedestrians and give them the right of way when necessary.  
  8. Regular Maintenance Checks: Keep your two-wheeler in good condition by regularly inspecting and maintaining it. 
  9. Avoid Riding Under the Influence: Never ride a two-wheeler under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It impairs your judgement, reflexes, and coordination, making it extremely dangerous and subject to severe penalties.
  10. Stay Updated on Traffic Rules: Stay informed about the latest traffic rules and regulations in your area. Regularly check for any updates or changes to ensure you are aware of the current laws.

List of States that Have Implemented New Traffic Fines

The States and Union Territories that have implemented new traffic fines in their entirety post the 2019 amendment are:

  1. Andaman and Nicobar
  2. Andhra Pradesh
  3. Karnataka
  4. Chandigarh
  5. Arunachal Pradesh
  6. Manipur
  7. Daman and Diu
  8. Assam
  9. Meghalaya
  10. Dadar and Nagar Haveli
  11. Bihar
  12. Mizoram
  13. Delhi
  14. Goa
  15. Nagaland
  16. Jammu and Kashmir
  17. Haryana
  18. Sikkim
  19. Ladakh
  20. Himachal Pradesh
  21. Tamil Nadu
  22. Lakshadweep
  23. Jharkhand
  24. Tripura
  25. Uttar Pradesh
  26. Uttarakhand

Bottom Line

The new traffic rules and fines in India serve as an important step towards improving road safety and reducing traffic violations. These rules are aimed at protecting drivers and pedestrians, improving traffic discipline, and creating an efficient transportation system.

It is essential for all motorists to familiarise themselves with these new regulations and abide by them conscientiously. By doing so, we not only avoid the burden of hefty fines but also contribute to a safer and more responsible driving culture.


Q. Can I have two driving licences in India?

No, you cannot have two driving licences in India. As per the new Motor Vehicle (Amendment) Act 2019, one can be fined heavily if he or she is found to possess two or more driving licences.

Q. When is a vehicle towed away?

In case a vehicle is left unattended or abandoned in a way that it causes inconvenience to others or if it is parked in an unauthorised parking zone, it can be towed away.

Q. What is the new Motor Vehicle Act?

Passed by the Indian Parliament in the year 1988, the Motor Vehicles Act regulates and controls all road transport vehicles. This includes managing all traffic regulations, motor insurance, vehicle registrations, permits, penalties and fines. The Motor Vehicle Amendment Act, 2019 ("Act") came into force on 1st September 2019.

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