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Telangana RTO Details

Telangana, with around 3.96 crore residents, has set up 125 Regional Transport Offices (RTOs) in its 12 cities to facilitate vehicle registrations, provision of learners and permanent driving licences, and other RTO services. The RTOs in Telangana are mandated to ensure adherence to the guidelines stipulated in the Indian Motor Vehicles Act of 1988 throughout the state.

Telangana Vehicle Registration Process

The process of registering motor vehicles in Telangana is a simple one, and the following are the steps involved:

Step 1: Visit the RTO in your area with the vehicle to be registered

Step 2: Complete all the required forms and ensure all your documents are ready beforehand

Step 3: When at the RTO, initiate your registration application by submitting all the forms and documents to an RTO agent

Step 4: The RTO agent will then proceed to authenticate your documents

Step 5: After your documents are verified, you will be required to pay the registration fees and obtain your receipt

Step 6: A RTO agent will inspect your vehicle in the next step, during which they will record important details such as make, model, fuel type, and engine specifications to be uploaded onto the database

Step 7: Following the vehicle inspection, the RTO will proceed with processing your application, and once completed, your registration certificate will be generated and sent to your registered address

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